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We take your privacy as seriously as you do.

When you provide us with contact details on an enquiry form on this website, you are agreeing for us to contact you regarding the question you submitted.

After helping you with your enquiry, we would really like to keep in touch with you regarding offers, promotions and other information that we feel you may find useful.  However, we don’t want to keep in touch if you don’t want us to!

On our contact and enquiry forms there is a checkbox which lets you tell us that you’d like us to keep in touch – please tick this box so we can add you to our mailing list.  We won’t add you if you do not tick this…we promise…but we won’t be able to get in touch if you don’t.

If you do agree for us to get in touch, when we send you any emails there will always be the option for you to ask to be removed from our mailing list.  If you do wish to stop receiving offers, promotions and information from us, please click on the option in the email and we will remove you from our mailing list.  We won’t take it personally, but you will no longer receive anything from us.  You can also drop us an email, give us a call, or pop in and see us if you’d like.

Regardless of whether you are just enquiring about something or you are on our mailing list, we will NEVER pass your details on to a third party who is not directly helping us deliver the service you have requested – we find that very rude and will only keep your details to ourselves for as long as they are needed (or if you ask us to chuck them in the bin).


The piece of legislation that defines what your rights are over us processing (using) your personal information is called the “General Data Protection Regulation”, or “GDPR” for short.

This piece of legislation states six “lawful reasons” that would deem processing (using) someone’s personal details as lawful.

Regarding the ways which allow us to process (use) your information, here are the “lawful reasons” that we rely on:

“Performance of a contract” In order to construct & deliver a website or manage a marketing campaign etc on behalf of a client Resknow may process some personal data in the performance of a contract.

“Consent” What this means is you have freely agreed that Resknow may process your data to contact you about the services that we offer, this contact could take the form of a quotation, an email newsletter, special offers or phone calls to discuss how we can assist your business moving forward.

“Legitimate Interest” This means you may not have asked Resknow to provide a quotation or contacted us however we have made an assessment of your commercial website or business and as a result believe we can add some value. As such we may initially contact you via a business email address if we believe it is in the legitimate interest of both businesses to open a dialogue and explore working together.

“Soft opt in” When we send marketing emails to personal email addresses we rely on what is known as the soft opt in, when we rely on the soft opt in to send marketing emails the recipient can opt out of further emails at any time by replying to the email or clicking the unsubscribe link in every email. We will only ever send marketing emails to personal email addresses if the recipient has done business with us in the past or we have provided a quotation.


We’ve all heard of “cookies” on websites…these are small text files which are downloaded onto our computers when we open webpages.

These cookies hold useful information such as whether a user has previously opened that webpage, whether they chose any settings that they’d like to take affect whenever they are on that webpage, or whether a user has successfully logged in to that website.

If our site uses cookies, you will always be informed and asked to accept them.  They will not pass any personal details to anyone and we will not store anything that they have logged.  We only use cookies to make your time on our site as easy and as friendly as we can.


Google provides a web analysis service (Google Analytics) which collects data to track and examine the use of websites.  Google utilises this data to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services.  Google may use the data collected to contextualise and personalise the ads of its own advertising network.

In order to produce the analysis stated above, Google collects personal information from Cookies and Usage Data.  This data is then processed in the USA.

For more details on this, you can view Google’s privacy policy here.

Website users can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and also customise Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings.  To get help on how to do this, click here.


We use Google Analytics to monitor how our website is being used so we can improve it as best we can.

In order for us to ask Google to prepare site usage reports for us, we need to pass them each IP address that is accessing our site.

However, when we pass an IP address to Google, we take advantage of the anonymisation feature which means we DO NOT send Google any details that can then be traced back to the source IP address.  For more information on this feature, please click here.


As described in the section above, Google may also share the data from the site usage report with other Google services.  In particular, Google may use the data to contextualise and personalise the ads of its own advertising network.

For information on how Google uses the information it collects, please click here.


We use First Data to collect payments in our studio. You can read their privacy policy here.


For a more detailed version of our privacy policy, with more information and lots more words for you to spend your time working through, please click here.

Give us a call

0208 300 8833